Admissions Process
Policy Statement for Admissions: New Students

At American German School we believe in providing our students with a safe, nurturing, and active environment. We encourage our students to reach their full potential while being responsible, independent, and life-long learners. Every child will have an equal opportunity to learn and have equal access to teaching and educational resources. 

Prospective students will be admitted if they will benefit from being registered at American German School.  

All students must take an entrance examination to determine whether they can be enrolled. Placement of students will be based on the student’s previous records, oral interview, writing sample, and assessment administered by the AGS (American German School). Successful candidates must achieve appropriate grade level scores. Entrance assessments are administered for entry at all grade levels, 


Placement is based on age appropriateness, a developmental checklist of age-appropriate abilities, and an interview with the parents and the child. We shall only cater to children who are toilet trained. No prior knowledge of the English/German languages is required.


The composite score on the test administered by AGS. Potential students cannot be more than one grade level below the grade level to which they are seeking placement. A writing sample will be required for all students seeking admittance to grades 2 through 5. 

Middle School

The composite score on the test administered by AGS cannot be more than two grade levels below the grade level to which the student is seeking placement. A writing sample will be required for all students.  

High School

The composite score on the test administered by AGS cannot be more than two grade levels below the grade level to which the student is seeking placement. A writing sample will be required for all students. Grade placements will also be determined by the number of credits that AGS accepts from previous schools. Any students will have to have a minimum level of proficiency in the German language or must sign an agreement that they will be responsible to take extra German language course externally to reach the minimum level required to successfully complete course requirements for each year. 

AGS will not accept 12th-grade students unless they attended an American Curriculum school prior to enrolling and can fulfill all graduation requirements. 

All potential students from Grade 2 upwards must submit a certified and sealed Academic and Behavior Report from their previous school 

AGS reserves the right to accept or deny applicants based on AGS’s assessment of the student’s needs and AGS’s ability to meet them. The American German School does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, or national origin and seeks to admit all qualified students who apply. 

Admission Procedure
  1. Parents visit the school and submit copy of the report cards for last 2 years, Civil ID for name verification for both father and student(s). Applicants who meet the criteria for age and academic records will then be invited to take an entrance interview/evaluation. 
  2. An appointment is made for testing. An assessment fee of 20 KD is to be paid for Pre-K, KG1 and KG2 interviews and Grades 1-12 evaluations. 
  3. Potential student come to school on the day of the test. The process can take between 1-2 hours. KG students may take only 30 minutes.  
  4. If evaluation results are satisfactory and places are available, according to admissions priorities, parents will be invited to register their children. Otherwise, applicants will remain on the waiting list until a place arises.  
  5. The following documents are required with the application: 
  • Six recent passport size photographs 
  • A copy of the student’s birth certificate 
  • A copy of the student and Father’s passport (for non-Kuwaiti) 
  • A copy of the student’s civil ID 
  • A copy of the Father’s civil ID 
  • A copy of the Mother’s civil ID 
  • A copy of the Kuwaiti nationality (for Kuwaiti only) 
  • Copies of the last two annual report cards including the latest report for the current year (Not required from students applying to Pre-School) 
  • For students applying to grade 2 and above: Behavior/Attendance report from the student’s current school.  
  • For students applying to grade 9 and above: Transcript/Report cards from Grade 9 and up to the last grade attended in the previous school in addition to the Behavior/Attendance report. 

6.Registration is only complete once all the required documents are submitted, including health records, previous school transcripts, and a non-refundable/non-transferable deposit of KD100.