Tuition Fee

Discount Rules

  1. For the first sibling enrolled, a discount of 100 KD is Given and for all additional siblings, a discount of 50 KD per Child. 
  2. Main Discount: Discount do not apply for students being funded through parents ‘employers. 

Late Registration

  1. For students enrolled any time during the first semester, the Full semester fees apply. 
  2. For students enrolled only in the second semester, 50 Percent of the yearly fees apply. 

Withdrawal During the academic year

  1. Registration fees, according to Ministry of Private Education, are non-refundable. 
  2. Students who withdraw during the academic year are cancels the discount granted to him. 
  3. For any student withdrawn Before November 1st , 30% Percent of Ministry fees. 
  4. For any student withdrawn from the date of November 1st to the end of 1st Semester, 50% Percent of Ministry fees. 
  5. For students withdrawn any time during the 2ndsemester, 100% Full Ministry fees. 

Main Rules

  1. Students must commit to the school calendar and timing from day one. 
  2. Ifa student fails to attend within the first 5 days without prior notice from parent, regrettably the student’s seat will be withdrawn. 
  3.  Students Fees can be subject to increase based on a decision by the Ministry of Private Education.