Guiding Statements

The American German School provides an academically rigorous, trilingual educational model, which embraces human communication, understanding, empathy and appreciation of diversity. We believe that every child has the right to an education, which lays the foundation for a world of peace. 

Our School will nurture the qualities of global citizenship as we prepare students to face the demands of an ever-changing world. 


The American German School aims to develop caring, inquiring, and responsible world citizens, who are highly competent in English, German and Arabic. 


The American German School offers a trilingual immersion model of education in English, German and Arabic. English and German through which young learners can acquire a third language while developing and maintaining their native language. Our program of studies and model design are based on sound constructivist educational theories and scientific research. 

We believe that students best learn in an environment where they feel emotionally secure and safe and therefore, we place particular importance on establishing caring environments and relationships amongst adults and children. 

We consider the student’s family as partners in the educational process and as such we encourage them to be active members of our learning community. We believe that all students have equal rights to the curriculum and as such, we aim to differentiate our instructional and assessment practices in order to cater tothe diversity of students’ learning styles, needs and levels of competencies .